Scaling New Heights - Orlando, 2017
"Over the past 8 years, Woodard™ has challenged thousands of small business advisors to “scale new heights.” At Scaling New Heights 2016 we launched a long term effort called “The Epic Climb” in which we will empower accountants to reach new heights in their practices.
Every advisor who calls themselves a “climber” shares certain qualities like intention, determination, passion, and the highest levels of professional expertise. But, there is another key trait common to all climbers and to everyone who wants to accept Woodard’s challenge to climb….Courage.
As small business advisors we must be brave. We must bravely accept the challenges our small business clients present to us, we must bravely explore (and adopt) new technologies, and we must bravely face the long days and strenuous workloads required by our rewarding, but sometimes exhausting, profession.
This brave response…this brave, courageous climb…is what we call “Facing the Yeti.”"